Sarah Abram
University of Michigan
Before TestMasters: 151
After TestMasters: 164
“Using TestMasters was the best decision I could have made in preparing for the LSAT. From the get-go the class was laid out very clearly and similar to a school, which pleased me greatly. Bringing a book to class each week and having one section for in-class work and another for homework made looking back at material later very easy and kept me on top of the topics. My teacher Jeff was invested not only in relaying information clearly but also in the success of each individual student. Knowing that his objective was for us to understand everything fully as opposed to just getting through the classes each week was invaluable. Because of TestMasters, the LSAT seemed much less daunting. I went into test day confident that I understood the material and ready to give it my best shot. At the end of the day, the LSAT seemed like nothing more than our courses final diagnostic exam.”