The finest and most comprehensive test preparation in the world

Adam Meyers

UC San Diego

Before TestMasters: 145

After TestMasters: 162

“The one thing that benefited me most during the course was the constant reassurance of my TestMasters instructor, who consistently talked about where we should be scoring and at what rate we should expect improvement. Increasing my score to what I acheived on the actual LSAT (my highest score yet) literally took the entire course period from start to finish. I’m fairly certain without my instructor emphasizing constant improvement and setting realistic expectations, I would’ve stopped studying or gone crazy. I was surprised when I finally got my score report that I actually hit the number I wanted in the first place. Granted, the TestMasters strategies for taking the test are worth the price of admission alone, but it was the big picture advice that really helped get through the whole process and focus my energy on improving my weak spots all the way until the actual test.

One thing I did not expect was my reading comprehension score to improve so dramatically. The results of the actual LSAT revealed substantial improvement on this section when I compared my real test with the first diag I took. This was completely based on the instruction I received in class. It helped immensely to have the instructor’s voice in my head when choosing answer choices in reading comp (especially when dealing with the comparative passages section).

My instructor continually emphasized the importance of pushing forward on the test and getting through difficult portions and ignoring what’s happened in the prior sections. This advice was a necessity at the actual test especially upon having to deal with reading comprehension as my first section, which left me confused, to say the least. Although it took a good two minutes to calm down and stop thinking about what turned out to be the experimental section, without the constant training over two and a half months and the instructor’s advice, again, getting over that live test day hurdle would have been extremely difficult.

At any rate, anything significantly less than the score I got would have rendered the whole process of taking the LSAT useless. I knew based on my initial diagnostic that it was a lot to ask for (I think I was hoping to end up with at least a 15-point increase), but seeing in that final month of preparation and class that I was getting there and still having all the question-type-specific problems to work on and bonus sections to use as timed practice, allowed me to ultimately improve my logical reasoning and reading comp scores as much as I did by the time test day came around. Taking the course over the summer built up my endurance and knowing that I was adequately prepared gave me the confidence to get through the actual test and apply the strategies I had learned.”