James Rayment
Oklahoma State University
Before TestMasters: 141
After TestMasters: 157
“After the practice test on the first day I was very worried I would not have a good enough score to get into the school of my choice. However, after the first week of classes I could tell that TestMasters was going to improve my score. I decided then to put my trust in the system TestMasters created. From that point on I watched my score slowly increase with each practice test. My instructor, Morgan Dodd, really helped me learn how to take the LSAT and was very encouraging through the whole course (he even offered to help me through the law school application process). When my score dropped on one practice test he ensured me that this was normal and urged me to continue to work hard on the homework and in class. On the day of the actual LSAT I felt so prepared that any anxiety I had vanished once the test started. My score increased by 16 points since my first practice test. I went from being worried if I would get accepted to getting a score where scholarship money is very likely. It is hard for me to image how preparing for the LSAT would have been without TestMasters and the resources they provided.”