Matthew Conway
Providence College
Before TestMasters: 168
After TestMasters: 176
“I took my Test Masters course after the end of the spring semester of my junior year at Providence College. After doing the research online, I found that they came highly recommended and had the best schedule for my needs. On the preliminary exam I received a 168, which I did not expect to improve as it was already the 96th percentile. However, after the 2 months of classes with very helpful and intelligent instructors I was scoring above 170 consistently on the past exams (all of which Test Masters conveniently provides for you online). Our classes ran right up to the week before the exam and, with my lessons fresh in my head, I was able to score a 176 on the official exam, putting me in the 99th percentile. I can say without a doubt that I would not have been able to do this without Test Masters. I would never have begun preparing two months in advance on my own; their past exams were so easy to access and grade online that I took more than I would have otherwise; and, of course, a book alone could not have instructed me half as well as my TestMasters teachers did.”