Katherine Scully
Before TestMasters: 156
After TestMasters: 172
“I would certainly recommend taking the TestMasters course to anyone interested in taking the LSAT. In July I decided I would register to take the September LSAT, and I signed up for the TestMasters course only days before the first diagnostic. Due to the instruction I received at TestMasters, my score quickly rose into the high 170s on my diagnostics, and I scored a 172 on the real LSAT. I am not naturally a logical person, so I was pleased with this score. My TestMasters instructor was a vibrant teacher who was clearly committed to helping each student reach his or her highest potential. Taking TestMasters was helpful because it familiarized me with the material on the LSAT. By the end of the course, a TestMasters student has been exposed to every LSAT question released in the past 20+ years and has sat for several diagnostics under test-day conditions. I believe that TestMasters is exceptional because it presents the underlying logic of the LSAC test writers. By the end of the course, I had a solid understanding not only of why certain answers were correct, but also of why the LSAC had asked the question in the first place and why the question was framed that way. I had learned what the LSAC was testing on each question. This improved my timing, as I learned to predict the right answer from the question stem before I had read any of the answer options. This also helped my performance on the more difficult questions, as I was able to move beyond the convoluted language and bizarre inverted sentences to discern the logic behind the questions.”