Before TestMasters: 157
After TestMasters: 170
“When I decided to take the LSAT, I knew that for me, a test-preparation course would be the most beneficial way to study. The decision I had to make was not whether to enroll in a course, but rather which one to enroll in. After doing some research about the courses available on my campus, I enrolled in TestMasters. Little did I know how integral the program would be to my LSAT experience. The instruction was excellent and the learning environment was productive yet friendly. I felt that I had developed a little LSAT family, all of us working together to get the best score possible. Looking around on test day and seeing my fellow classmates was so comforting. I think part of my success with TestMasters was taking full advantage of the resources they had to offer, whether it was the homework, diagnostics, online resource center, or my amazing instructor Zac. I have numerous friends taking the LSAT within the upcoming year, and I constantly encourage them to enroll in TestMasters. While I am very proud of all the hard work I put into studying, I know that I would not have been as successful on my own. I owe so much of my improvement to TestMasters.”