The finest and most comprehensive test preparation in the world

Jacob Godshall


Before TestMasters: 160

After TestMasters: 172

“I knew I wanted to go to law school, but I felt daunted by the idea of taking the LSAT. After looking at some practice tests, I couldn’t imagine figuring out all of the questions or finishing the exam with nearly enough time. I decided to take TestMasters because I thought it would at least give me the motivation to do more practice problems. But I found that TestMasters was so much more than that. In class, we learned specific techniques for all of the different problem types and how to efficiently eliminate wrong answers. My instructor was so helpful and really motivated us to work hard and trust in the system by methodically approaching each question. And because we always used real LSAT questions, I felt more than prepared on test day. Although I was incredibly nervous, I tried to think of it just as another practice test, just like the hundreds of questions we had done in class.

When I received my score, I was ecstatic to learn that I had received a 172, a 12-point increase from my first diagnostic. I feel that I am now in the position to be competitive applying to the top law schools. TestMasters, like other LSAT prep classes, is not cheap. But at the same time, I think it is a good investment. With my score, I think I have a good chance of receiving a good aid package which will easily cover the cost of the course. I am truly grateful to TestMasters, and I know I could not have done it without them.”