Jeremy Binstock
University of Florida
Before TestMasters: 152
After TestMasters: 171
“TestMasters gives you everything you need to succeed. To fully take advantage of what TestMasters has to offer you must treat it like a full time job. Do all of the homework and go to class early to ask questions. The best way to improve, especially to get past plateaus, is to recognize weaknesses and attack them. This is exactly what I did with the homework each class. My instructor, Emma Scott, was awesome. She explained things a million different ways until everyone understood why the correct answers were correct, and why the incorrect answers were incorrect. You can also contact TestMasters anytime for personalized help on the homeworks. Like I said, TestMasters provides everything you need to maximize your score, but you must be willing to put in the work and take advantage of everything they have to offer. Practice makes perfect. Be sure to do all of the supplemental exams that TestMasters provides. During the first two diagnostics my mind felt fried by the end of the test. After completing some of the supplementals, I felt fresh during the entire exam. I am usually terrible at standardized tests, and I get terrible test anxiety. TestMasters prepared me to succeed on test day.”